A downloadable Image Asset Pack

Unofficial Dominus Galaxia asset pack featuring custom-made art to replace missing images for the Morion, Reveran, and Salix species. This package includes assets for the selection screen and diplomacy interactions. Please note that artwork for scientists and spies are not yet included. I may add scientist and spy screen artwork at some later date if this project receives good feedback.  

These fan-created assets are not officially endorsed. Detailed installation instructions are provided in the included .txt file titled "READ_ME".


Dominus_Galaxia_Fan_Asset_Pack_Morion_Reveran_Salix.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

1) Move all the images included in this package to the following directory:

(Your Dominus Galaxia Installation Directory)\StreamingAssets\GameData\Images

2) Now navigate to the MajorRaces folder:

(Your Dominus Galaxia Installation Directory)\StreamingAssets\GameData\Races\MajorRaces

3) Open the relevant race files for Morion, Reveran, and Salix. These files should be named accordingly (e.g., Morion.txt, Reveran.txt, Salix.txt). Find the line near the top that reads:

MEDIA = Placeholder;

4) Replace "Placeholder" with the name of the respective race. For example:

MEDIA = Morion;

5) Ensure that the name matches the race you're editing (Morion, Reveran, or Salix). Save and close each file after editing.

6) Go to the Media folder:

(Your Dominus Galaxia Installation Directory)\StreamingAssets\GameData\Races\Media

7) Move the provided media .txt files into the Media folder.

8) Launch Dominus Galaxia to see the new images in action. Check the selection screens and diplomacy interactions for the updated visuals.

If you enjoy these assets and would like to see additional content, such as artwork for scientists and spies, please let me know! Your feedback will help guide future updates.

Disclaimer: These fan-created assets are not officially endorsed by the creators of Dominus Galaxia.

Enjoy your game!

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